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Kids and Students
Crossings offers various camps to engage kids and students with the Word of God! Camp provides a fun, unique setting to explore the gospel and encourages connecting with peers during worship, Bible lessons, and activities.
June 4-6 • $250 • Sky Ranch
**NEW this year!** A two-night camp planned specifically for kids completing 3rd or 4th grade!
June 6-9 • $350 • Sky Ranch
Kids completing 5th or 6th grade enjoy three nights with their friends and small group leaders learning about The Gospels.
June 10-14 • $500 • Roach, MO
Students completing 7th or 8th grade learn about the Gospel, worship, participate in small groups, and enjoy outdoor activities at this four-day camp.
June 21-25 • $550 • Glorieta, NM
Students completing 9th-12th grade enjoy a five-day camp designed to help them know Jesus better and deepen their relationships!
June 23-27 • $200 • Crossings OKC
Kids completing 2nd-8th grade explore classes in Bible, dance, drama, vocals, set design, and costume design as they prepare a musical performance.
July 7-11 • $200 • Crossings OKC
Kids completing 2nd-6th grades explore their creative side through immersive, hands-on projects. Registration opens March 30.
Crossings Kids and Students Overnight Camps
Adult leaders have successfully completed a background check and all required training, with a majority of leaders serving regularly during Wednesday Crossings Kids/Students programming. Two or more leaders are always around to help keep your camper engaged and well supervised at all times.
The cost of camp includes all meals, housing, transportation, and all camp-related programming and activities. Additional money can be sent for personal spending or snacks plus travel meals.
Please note: Full refunds can be issued through April 15. From April 16-May 15 refunds (excluding the $50 deposit) can be issued. After May 15, refunds will not be issued.
We don’t want finances to be a barrier for anyone who wants to attend Camp. Scholarships are available based on need and availability. You can apply for a scholarship during the registration process.
You can include all food allergies and dietary restrictions on the camper registration form. Accommodations for food allergies will be made during all mealtimes.
Campers will be in groups where they can hang out and talk about what they’re learning. Groups have anywhere from eight to twelve students and are led by leaders who have gone through Crossings volunteer onboarding process, which includes a background check, staff interview, orientation, and training. There will be approximately one adult for every six students on the trip.
Medical volunteers will be on-site to administer any medication. Please note that all medications are collected at camp drop-off. Our Safety Team will take care of receiving them and administering them throughout camp. No over-the-counter medications should be in campers' luggage, and medications should be brought in their original container.
We will take charter buses (with bathrooms) to and from Camp. Kids Camp is approximately three hours away; Middle School Camp is approximately five hours away;and High School Camp is approximately eight hours away.
Camps are a special opportunity for kids and students to disconnect from the busyness of everyday life and connect with God in a deep, meaningful way while cultivating relationships with their peers.
We don’t want kids and students to miss out on these life-changing experiences, so your generous donation will go directly towards the cost families pay to send a child to camp, which includes transportation, lodging, meals, and activities. You can donate any amount (the full price of camp or a small portion).
The cost of camp per child:3rd & 4th grade Kids Camp - $2505rd & 6th grade Kids Camp - $350Middle School Students Camp - $500High School Students Camp - $550